Last weekend we had the pleasure of attending the 2017 World Championships in Benidorm (Thursday, November 2 to Monday, November 6) where the Iranian National Bodybuilding Team was present with an impressive team of competitors led by Vahid Akbarzadeh official coach of the Iranian Bodybuilding Team and King Rox Spain.
We had the pleasure to witness how one of our King Rox Spain Athletes, Hesam Khosravi was proclaimed World Champion in Men Classic Bodybuilding over 180cm and Classic Bodybuilding.
This year’s event was presented with a high physical level by all the competitors in each category, however, the Iranian team managed to qualify in the top positions taking gold and silver medals.
Mohamad Jafari Campeón del Mundo en Culturismo Clásico Masculino hasta 180cm.
Hosein Kalate World Champion in his category Men Bodybuilding up to 100kg.
Mohsen Samadi was World Champion in his category Men Bodybuilding over 100kg and later proclaimed World Champion in the Super Final of the World Championships taking the OVERALL.
The Iranian National Team also reached the podium in the categories of Men Physique 173cm where it was bronze medal and in Men Physique 179cm silver medal for Iran.