In compliance with current legislation on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that the personal data provided by users of this website in its various forms will be incorporated and processed in one or more files owned by KING ROX SPAIN in order to manage your request, as well as to keep you informed, including electronically, of future news and developments related to our company.

The data requested in the various forms marked with an asterisk (*) are strictly necessary to provide the requested service or to contact the user.

The user guarantees the veracity of the personal data provided, being the only responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, that could be caused to KING ROX SPAIN as a result of filling in the forms with false, inaccurate or incomplete data.

In the event that the user includes personal data of third parties, the user must, prior to their inclusion, inform them of the provisions of this privacy policy, being solely responsible for their inclusion.

KING ROX SPAIN undertakes not to transfer the personal data provided by users of this website to third parties or companies without the prior, express, informed and unequivocal consent of the person concerned.

Users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation of processing, opposition and portability recognized in the current legislation by writing to the data controller mentioned below, or to the e-mail address: or through the form for the exercise of rights provided at the address indicated above.

Acceptance of the terms set forth in this privacy policy is necessary for the sending and transmission of the request made, and you may also be asked to consent to the processing of your data provided.

Responsible for the treatment: